About Me
My name is Lee, and I'm a Triathlete. I'm also a Father, a perpetual student of the sciences, and an IT engineer. In my spare time I commute by bike, chase my son all over various mountain bike trails, and train for triathlons. I'm not the kind of guy who spends tons of money on tri gear because I'm a cheapskate.
In 2006 I went hiking with my friend Dave and a bunch of Boy Scouts in North Cascades National Park. We talked extensively about fitness and our future plans. I had recently lost a lot of weight through a rather expensive diet and exercise program and was looking to keep it off.
Dave went on and on about how much he loved the Issaquah Triathlon which he had finished the previous June as a training goal for our hike. After a week of coaxing and pondering, I decided to do it. In June 2007 I finished my first race.
That was my first foray into world of Triathlon. Since then I have finished 10 sprint distance and 2 Olympic distance races. I have no fantasies of placing in my age group or even coming close. My main purpose in these races is to give me a goal to shoot for, something to work towards while I improve my overall fitness and keep my weight down. And I try to do this without breaking the bank. Oh, and I'm trying to figure out how to ride across the entire state of Washington.
That's where "normalguytri" comes in. I'm just a normal guy who decided to be a triathlete. Am I obsessed with racing and shaving seconds off my times? No, I have other, more important priorities in my life. Will I ever be an Ironman? Perhaps I will, someday. At this point I just want to get down to my ideal weight and stay there for a few years.
The only drafting I allow is in time of war. Back off!
Disclaimer: I am not a trainer, doctor, or triathlon expert. Everything I present must be considered my opinion and should be verified by competent medical or technical authorities before implementing.