My Reading List

Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

by Christopher McDougall

I really enjoyed this book from start to finish. The writing style is a bit off-kilter (you could tell that he strung together a bunch of articles into a book) but the finished product is compelling and worth a read. Do I buy off completely on the barefoot running craze? Not sure, but more on this later.


Feed Zone Portables: A Cookbook of On-the-Go Food for Athletes
by Skratch Labs

This book completely changed the way my family cooks meals on the go. We have used several recipes to make easily portable foods for both training and every day purposes. The pictures, stories, and ingredient explanations could be a book in themselves.


The Feed Zone Cookbook: Fast and Flavorful Food for Athletes
by Skratch Labs

We first bought this one to try new foods for my son's training plan for mountain bike racing. The baked eggs were worth the price of the book alone: great option for pre-made meals on a busy school morning during race season. 


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