Ride Date: September 2015
Starting City: Baker City, Oregon
Ending City: Farewell Bend State Recreation Area, Oregon
Ride Stats: 64.76 miles, 1407' of climbing, 3:42:55 riding time
Cycle Oregon Day 1 Route map - Baker City to Farewell Bend
Took the flat 14-mile option loop. Saw hawks on power lines
Day 1: Old In and Out Burger I found on the optional loop north of Baker City, Oregon.(Not THAT In-N-Out)
Easy downhill route for most of the day
Durkee rest stop - stop on Oregon Trail
Rode on I-84 for about 12 miles, stopped at the Weatherby rest area
Lunch at the High School in Huntington, Oregon.
Day 1: Lunch stop in Huntington, Oregon
Arrived at Farewell Bend State Recreation Area in the heat of the afternoon. Very warm (95+)
Tried to go swimming but the Snake River very low, looks polluted and muddy, smells bad
No cell service, no email home
Nothing much to do except relax, drink, and try to sleep.
Found a place right next to my tent to setup my hammock.
Pedals failed by first rest stop. Was able to make it to overnight stop to buy replacements.
Very long dinner line
$400m in 2012 from bicycle recreation in Oregon
Oregon State geologist White rocks in Lime were painted white by limestone dust from the abandoned cement plant.
The Brady Goss Band out of Portland, fabulous piano. Bought his CD.
Very tired, early bedtime
Nice, relaxing (mostly) downhill ride.
Great music by Brady Goss Band!
Lots of shade for relaxing from the heat
Pedal bearing failed mid-ride. Bought a new set and looking good!
No cell service, no letter home to the kids.